Smart Aging HUB
Our narrative
Welcome to our innovation, research and development centre in Barcelona. A space that channels and promotes the ideas generated by the people at the MartiDerm Group, along with those stemming from partnerships with external experts such as dermatologists, doctors and different universities.
The main goal is to generate knowledge to make time an ally through solutions developed from our formula and that improve people’s care and wellbeing.
How? By compiling and generating new knowledge, designing new formulations, researching, promoting debate, identifying trends, raising awareness around the need to care for the skin, driving different contributions and inspiring all our teams to exponentially improve processes and outcomes. In other words, by finding effective solutions that improve the care and wellbeing of people’s skin.
What a challenge.
That is why we start each day with the same premise: to pose fresh questions... to find better solutions across all areas of our activity. We draw on experts, researchers and universities around the world to this end.
Thank you. You are the soul of MartiDerm.